Tuesday, June 21, 2005

British MEPs meeting with the British Prime Minister

British MEPs meeting with the British Prime Minister
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005

I understand that you are due to meet the Prime Minister on Thursday and that you will have the opportunity to question him.

May I suggest that one of the questions that you should ask is whether or not he accepts that had the British been asked, in a referendum, for their opinion on the EU Constitution the majority vote would have been against it.

That being the case the next question is surely whether or not he accepts that anything that goes beyond what the people thought they voted for in the 1975 Referendum, i.e. Free Trade, is totally unacceptable.

Thirdly does the Prime Minister not agree that having in May promised a referendum, regardless, he said, of how the French voted, "and that is a Government promise", the British people are now entitled to an early opportunity to express their views on whether they actually wish to remain in the European Union.

I have very little doubt that, in spite of recent setbacks, the salami slicing process of completing European integration will continue. The question is whether you, as one of our elected representatives, will oppose or join with those who, having been thwarted in their efforts to introduce centralising measures by the front door, will now seek to impose them by the back door.

I look forward to receiving your comments and in the meantime trust that you will not miss the forthcoming opportunity to put the Prime Minister on the spot.

Yours sincerely,
Christopher Gill
Hon. Chairman
The Freedom Association


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